Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Finishing Step 1

Today, I finished the fourth sections of the topography, so I walked it over to the art campus and photographed it. It's huge, by the way. It's about 5 feet by 6 1/2 feet. Hopefully, you can get a sense of the scale from the attached photographs. In order to draw the grid to copy the lines from the paper to the foam core, I had to draw a grid consisting of 4300 squares. I already miss this mindless and uncreative process.
This afternoon, I will start to lay the grass, and then mark with scratches where the roads and buildings will go. After that, almost all mathematical aspects of model making will be done, and I will have to estimate everything. I have no way of knowing how tall to make a building or how far apart windows are on a façade, and I am not looking forward to all of that guess work. Well, for the really tall buildings (such as the 5 or 6 church steeples or the taller shops on Exchange St.), I think I may order or make a cheap sextent and do some trigonometry to find the height of the buildings. Hopefully I can remember how those 9th grade algebra word problems were solved. Anyway, how much difference does this estimating make when a milimeter in my model is equivalent to 3'2"?

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